Being listed on Playmowatch is always free of charge since we want to list all online shops which sell Playmobil sets. However, to get the most out of being listed on Playmowatch, we recommend becoming a "Premium Partner".
Doing so could easily triple the traffic to your shop.
Playmowatch (currently) only indexes European sites, that deliver in (at least) one of the following countries: The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom.We only link to new sets, no used products! Only standard products that are or have been made available to the public though the generic Playmobil site(s) are indexed.
Playmowatch will check prices of all Playmobil sets on your site several times per day. To be able to do so, we require a feed with pricing information.
In detail, the feed has the following requirements:
We also require information about your shipping costs to The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom (if supported of course).
We support rule based shipping cost (eg: €6.95 upto €50, free above).
You will also get access to statistics, with information about clicks to your site, but also which sets are currently the most popular on Playmowatch, as well as other inside information.
See our premium partner information page with all the information about all features and costs of becoming a Premium Partner.